Using the framework from this series, the contemplation of being in bewteen rest & growth broke open another parallel tension  between accountability and mercy that's explored through Jesus' parable of the fig tree.

Pastor Glenn discusses how we live in the 'messy middle' between these two concepts - the need for both holding people accountable and showing grace. He uses examples from parenting, pastoral ministry, and current political debates to illustrate how we must navigate this balance, while suggesting that when in doubt, we should err on the side of mercy.

Lord God, as we contemplate Your Word, open our hearts to understand the delicate balance between accountability and mercy in our own lives. Help us to see where we need both, and guide our thoughts to reflect your perfect wisdom in navigating these waters. In Jesus' name, Amen.

When was the last time someone showed you unexpected mercy or grace when you felt you deserved consequences instead?

Key Verses
Luke 13:6-9
John 15:8
Psalm 23:2


  1. How do you typically balance accountability and mercy in your relationships with others?

  2. Why do you think the gardener asked for one more year for the fig tree?

  3. In what areas of your life do you feel you need more accountability?

  4. Where might you need to show more mercy to yourself or others?

  5. How does our culture's emphasis on productivity affect our understanding of mercy?

  6. What role does timing play in both accountability and mercy?

  7. How does God demonstrate both accountability and mercy in scripture?

  8. How can we better reflect Christ's balance of truth and grace in our daily lives?

Life Application
This week, identify one situation where you tend to be harsh or judgmental. Practice intentionally choosing mercy while still maintaining appropriate boundaries. Journal about how this changes your perspective and relationships.

Key Takeaways

  • We need both accountability and mercy in our spiritual lives

  • When in doubt, err on the side of mercy

  • Time is limited - accountability helps us act while we can

  • God's mercy is always available, but shouldn't be taken for granted

Gracious God, thank you for showing us perfect balance between accountability and mercy through Jesus Christ. Help us to grow in wisdom as we navigate this tension in our own lives. Give us courage to be accountable and hearts to show mercy. In Jesus' name, Amen.

5 Day Devotional

This is the answer to the question. Give enough detail to adequately answer the question, but consider using multiple questions so that each answer is concise.

Life often feels like walking a tightrope between holding ourselves accountable and extending grace. Just like a gardener tending to a struggling tree, we must recognize when to nurture and when to prune. Sometimes we're too quick to judge, forgetting that we too have received countless second chances. Other times, we might be too lenient, avoiding necessary growth and change. Finding this balance isn't just helpful—it's essential for our spiritual journey. When we understand that God perfectly balances these qualities, we can begin to mirror His approach in our own lives. Today, consider where you might need to adjust your balance. Are you being too harsh with yourself or others? Or perhaps you're avoiding necessary accountability?

Bible Verse
"A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came looking for fruit on it and found none. So he said to the gardener, 'See here! For three years I have come looking for fruit on this fig tree, and still I find none. Cut it down! Why should it be wasting the soil?' He replied, 'Sir, let it alone for one more year, until I dig around it and put manure on it.'" - Luke 13:6-8

Reflection Question
In what areas of your life do you tend to lean too heavily toward accountability or mercy? How might finding a better balance change your relationships?

The Bible is really one long story about God and God's people trying to live in this messy middle between accountability and mercy.

Lord, help me find the perfect balance between accountability and grace in my life. Guide me to be both truthful and merciful, just as You are with me. Amen.

Like a patient gardener who sees potential in a barren tree, God consistently offers us opportunities for growth and renewal. Each new day is a fresh chance to bear fruit, to make different choices, and to live more fully into who we're called to be. Sometimes we might feel like that unproductive fig tree, wondering if we're worth the effort. But God, in His infinite wisdom and love, continues to nurture us, dig around our roots, and provide what we need to flourish. This isn't just about receiving second chances—it's about extending them to others as well. When we understand the depth of mercy we've received, we become more capable of offering it to those around us.

Bible Verse
"If it bears fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down." - Luke 13:9

Reflection Question
When was the last time someone gave you a second chance? How did that impact your life, and how might you extend that same grace to others?

Every Day I pray God, will you please just dig around my roots a little bit? God, will you please water me where I'm thirsty? Will you please feed me where I'm hungry? And oh, please God, will you just give me one more year?

Gracious God, thank you for your endless patience with me. Help me to be equally patient with others, always ready to offer another chance for growth and change. Amen.

While God's mercy is abundant, there's still an urgency to our spiritual growth. Like the vineyard owner who gave the fig tree one more year, we're given opportunities—but they aren't endless. This creates a healthy tension: we have time to grow, but we shouldn't waste it. Today matters. The choices we make, the love we show, the mercy we extend—it all counts. We might think we have all the time in the world to reconcile relationships, serve others, or deepen our faith, but tomorrow isn't guaranteed. This understanding should motivate us to act today, to make the most of the time we're given, while still trusting in God's patient grace.

Bible Verse
"He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul." - Psalm 23:2-3

Reflection Question
What important spiritual or relational task have you been postponing? What's one step you could take today toward that goal?

At some point it's too late to invite new people to our church because the church has closed. At some point, it's too late to reach out and patch things up with the friend that you're on the outs with because that friend passes away.

Father, help me recognize the urgency of today while trusting in Your perfect timing. Give me courage to act when needed and wisdom to wait when necessary. Amen.

Life rarely presents itself in black and white. Instead, we often find ourselves navigating the gray areas, especially in matters of faith and relationships. Just as a gardener must make countless judgment calls about when to prune, when to water, and when to wait, we too must learn to be comfortable with uncertainty while remaining grounded in truth. This isn't about compromising our values—it's about understanding that spiritual growth often happens in the 'messy middle.' We're called to hold onto both justice and mercy, truth and grace, accountability and forgiveness. These aren't contradictions; they're complementary aspects of God's character that we're learning to embody.

Bible Verse
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." - John 15:5

Reflection Question
What 'gray areas' in your faith journey make you uncomfortable? How might God be using these uncertainties to help you grow?

We're learning how to be comfortable with the spiritual middle, the gray areas of spiritual life.

Lord, grant me wisdom to navigate life's complexities with grace and truth. Help me find peace in the uncertainty while staying rooted in Your unchanging love. Amen.

In our journey of faith, we often struggle with finding the right balance between holding people accountable and showing mercy. Yet, when we look at Jesus' life, we see that while He maintained the highest standards, He consistently erred on the side of mercy. This doesn't mean He ignored sin or avoided difficult conversations. Rather, He understood that mercy has a unique power to transform hearts and lives. When we receive mercy, it softens our hearts and makes us more likely to extend it to others. This creates a beautiful cycle of grace that builds stronger relationships and communities. Today, consider how showing mercy, even when it feels undeserved, might create space for transformation in your relationships.

Bible Verse
"He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake." - Psalm 23:3

Reflection Question
Think of a situation where you're struggling to show mercy. How might viewing it through God's eyes of compassion change your perspective?

If we're going to err on one side or the other, let's always err on the side of mercy, shall we?

Merciful God, soften my heart where it has become hard. Help me to be as generous with mercy toward others as You have been with me. Amen.

A Few Highlights