To our immigrant neighbors, we see you, we value you, and we stand with you.

No matter what happens, please know that we want you here. Our organization and community partners are committed to being safe and welcoming places for new American families. You are an integral part of our neighborhood, and we offer you our unconditional love and support. We will not let go of your hands. Together, we will continue to work for a community where everyone can thrive.

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A Message of Hope and Justice

"Our call is to love the stranger among us, to seek justice, and to welcome with open hearts and open arms."  UMC Council of Bishops
The Pastoral Letter from the UMC Council of Bishops is a heartfelt and urgent call to action for all United Methodists. It reminds us of our biblical mandate to love and welcome the stranger, to stand against injustice, and to offer support to those in need.
The letter highlights the plight of migrants who face persecution, separation, and uncertainty, urging us to see their humanity and act as Christ would. It calls on our church communities to:
  • Advocate for fair and compassionate immigration policies.
  • Provide tangible support to immigrant families through legal aid, housing, and resources.
  • Build relationships with immigrant neighbors, fostering understanding and solidarity.
  • Pray without ceasing for those who are suffering and those working toward justice.
As United Methodists, we are called to embody God’s love by creating spaces of refuge and support. Together, we can be instruments of God’s peace and justice in a world that desperately needs both.

Bethel International UMC's Immigration Resource Page

At Bethel International UMC, we believe in extending Christ's love to all our neighbors, especially those navigating the complexities of immigration. We recognize the challenges faced by immigrant families and are committed to providing compassionate support, practical resources, and a voice for justice.
Below are resources that the United Methodist Church has gathered. We are sharing them here to help support our community.
We have resources for:

Know Your Rights & Family Preparedness

This 7-minute video provides critical information regarding rights of all immigrants and how to create a family plan. View the same video in Spanish.


Download a set of flyers created by American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) and know your constitutional rights when facing ICE in your home, at work, or in public.
Click your perfered language to download the set.

Advocacy and Justice

Advocate with Congressional Leaders

To find your Congressional Representative, go to this link.

To contact Ohio's U.S. Senators, go to this link.

You can also call 202-224-3121; ask for your Representative by name; and tailor your message by using the following talking points:
    • Introduce yourself as a concerned constituent and a United Methodist.
    • Urge them to overturn unjust immigration laws and practices.
Mass Deporation Pledge of Resistance

Add your name to the Deportation Resistance. 

Whether as a citizen, a worker, faith leader, business owner, artist, labor leader, or elected official at any level, we can peacefully, powerfully noncooperate with the evil of Trump’s mass deportation project. Join us and pledge nonviolent civil resistance. 
Connect and Volunteer

Get involved with the Task Force on United Methodist Immigration Ministries in Ohio!

Email: Emily Kvalheim at 
or fill out the interest form HERE.

We are a people of prayer, and prayer can be an effective public witness. 

  • If you are a person of prayer, include Immigration Reform and immigrants affected by the new government administration in your daily prayers. 
  • If you want to do more, organize a prayer vigil for Immigration Reform using this Planning Tool Kit and reflect on the deep scriptural roots of just immigration reform.

Legal fees can be a barrier to help for some families.

ABLE has a way for you to support legal services in your community with a donation. Your commitment to justice and support of our annual campaigns and events will protect the civil rights of people who have low income in western Ohio. 

Why Does the Church Care About Immigration?

Scott Hicks is a Part-time Local Pastor at Oregonia United Methodist Church in the Ohio River Valley District of the West Ohio Conference. Hicks shares why the church cares about immigration and explores the topic of immigration within the Biblical text.
"A statement from The General Board of Church and Society calls for a bold witness to stand against U.S. immigration and mass deportation policies influenced by misinformation, hate, fear and harm."


Read The Full Statement